Tuesday 30 September 2014


Grace from Marie Craven on Vimeo.

Video and reading by Marie Craven of a poem by Cheryl Snell. Music by Masonik. Original images: Paul Moss & Thelma Schnee (1952). Source: Prelinger Archives. A Pool and Poetry Storehouse collaboration.
Marie Craven: pixieguts.com
Cheryl Snell: poetrystorehouse.com/2013/11/03/cheryl-snell-poems
Masonik: soundcloud.com/masonik
Prelinger Archives: archive.org/details/prelinger
Poetry Storehouse: poetrystorehouse.com
Pool: facebook.com/groups/poolgroup

Monday 15 September 2014

- Altar'd Lament - 
Part One: Neo Smyrna 
-Opening Night-
12th September 2014